جدیــد ترین پــــــروژه هـا
حامی اتووود
تـازه هـــــــــای معمـاری
کامنـــــــــت پــــروژه ها
اعضـا با بیشترین پـــروژه |
بازگشت به لیست پروژه ها
گزارش خطا
اشتراک پروژه
نمایش عکس ها
سفارت ايران در برلين
دانشـــــــــــگاه :
لیژ بلژیک
سال طـــــراحی :
مـــــــــــــــــکان :
برلين/ آلمان
کـــــارفـــــــــرما :
Ministry of Foreign Affairs/General Office of Construction
تـــــــــــاریخ ثبت :
مســــــــــــاحت :
تعـــداد بازدیـــــد :
محــــدوده سنی :
نــــوع کاربـــــری :
مرحـــــــــله اجرا :
اجرا شده
همــــکاران طرح :
Project Team: Darab Diba, Djahangir Safavardi, Bahram Shokouhiyan, Djahanguir Bagherli, Saviz Binesh Project Manager: Aman Afkham Ebrahimi Structural Engineer: Hossein Banan German Local Consultant: Alfred Moller Office, Michael Peters, Ronald Faust Contractor: Adolf Lupp Gmbh+Co KG R.Smith
این پروژه را چگونه ارزیابی میکنید ؟ عدد 5 بیشترین امتیاز است.
تا کـنون
نفـر به این پــروژه امتیاز داده اند
ایده های طراحی :
The Prospects of Work, and Berlin, with the dialogue and encounters it offered, marked the preparation of a special endeavor. We had, with all our memories and images from Esfahan, Yazd and Kachan, a predilection which could engender a subtle design. In fact in our heart, we had a great respect for a country who issued unique personalities of spiritual human considerations, in poetry, philosophy, technology, rationality and method. Goethe, Kant, Heidegger and in the other side of the mirror, Hafez, Mowlavi, Ghazali and all the great thinkers of both lands and culture. Somewhere, between east and west, more than a fusion, a reciprocity and exchange of ideas beyond ideals. Maybe we had discovered the other side of human soul, the hidden treasure of all intuition and elevation. Our history, our cultural heritage was like a source, a blossoming winter flower, floating in universal seas of apprehension. We had then in our design, to find a link where our respect and credentials could join our beliefs and where the realization could symbolize a metaphor of myths beyond culture. A search for an emotion where people of both lands could somehow feel the quintessence of some coordinate spiritual civilization, longing for interpretations of an algorythical path of a fleeting light of world.
Therefore, considering all these elements, the design took shape, gathering ideas and thoughts of a systematic complex paradigm using ten key concepts:
1. Archetypal expression of lasting projection. Composition of austerity as higher meaning of existence.
2. Sense of unity. Centrality. Longing for Sublime. Unity beyond diversity by fluctuating universal forces of life.
3. space of remembrance and memories. Virtual metaphor of a worldview. Transcendence through the heaven hemisphere of all matters.
4. Geometry as the order of abstract metaphysics of thought. Order of spaces by rational human thinking. Related Axes.
5. Light as element of emergence. Constituent factor of all visuals. Source of life, sun, passages, ways, knowledge.
6. Transparency and space continuity. Vertical and horizontal link of all space perceptions.
7. The Tchahar Tagh. Curves of the sheltering sky. Paths of centrality and dialogue. Orientation of the route.
8. The Iwan. Metaphor of the encounter. Inviting gates. Transitional space of the passage from Zaher to Baten (visible/hidden)
9. Natural materials. Concrete and stones. Offering of nature and earth. Structure of order. White stones as modular receptacle of clarity.
10. The Persian Garden. Space of meditation, rest, peace. Water. Four channels of running water. Reflecting images. Mirrors.
The Concept derives from the Tale The Form stems from the Concept
Technology comes from Form Culture brings the Light
درباره معماران معاصر ایران :
این گروه در سال 1386 با هدف ایجاد پل ارتباطی بین معماران ایرانی معاصر گرد هم آمد.با شروع کار این وب سایت معماران متقاضی در محیطی ساده وکارآمد به تبادل پروژه ها ومقــــالات خود خواهند پرداخت ودر فضای فروم به بحث وگفتگو می پردازند.
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